Larry Teatero B.A. CFP, Financial Consultant

Larry Teatero CFP, is Based out of Ontario's Niagara Region
Larry Teatero CFP, Financial Planner
- Dream & define your goals.
- Discern your current financial reality.
- Together we can develop a comprehensive financial plan with specific directions for your circumstances.
- Let us develop a strategy to help you keep more of your hard earned wealth by legally minimizing the amount of tax you pay now and in the future.
- Mutual Funds and Segregated Funds provided by the Fund Companies are offered through this organization, sponsoring mutual fund dealer. Other products and services including financial planning services are offered through Larry J. Teatero.
About Larry Teatero…
Larry launched his personal financial planning practice in January 2014, driven by a passion to help others develop and achieve their dreams and also help others be prepared for the unexpected events that may come.
Larry has been involved in the Financial Services Profession Since 2001 and is now with IG Wealth Management.
His own family experience has seen both dreams come true and reality challenged.
He was born in Etobicoke, raised in Seaforth, and has been married for over 30 years to a woman who still amazes him. Together they have two wonderful boys.
Let Larry Help You with…
- Asset Allocation Strategies
- Cash Flow Strategies
- Charitable Giving
- Education Planning
- Estate Planning
- Financial Planning
- Insurance Advice
- Tax Planning

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